What is Web 3.0? Definition, Benefits, Use Cases, and Future

With the advent of globalization, technology has progressed and is constantly setting new paradigms. Do you ever wish the internet could accurately determine what you want to discuss through voice, text, or any other medium? Web 3.0 is one such advancement. Web 3.0 is one such step toward independent web browsing, where the content you receive will be modified to your needs, with all irrelevant content eliminated, providing precise outcomes.

Keep scrolling to read the web 3.0 definition, web 3.0 examples, and all its important aspects. 

What is Web 3.0

What is Web 3.0?

In simpler terms, Web 3.0 is the next generation of the internet where online applications and webpages seamlessly process data with the help of modern technologies that allow them to respond in a human-like way, making them more realistic and interactive. A perfect example of Web 3.0 can be artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data.

Furthermore, given its autonomous, independent, and intelligent disposition, the originator of the World Wide Web called this project the Semantic Web. Also, it might not be wrong to say that Web 3.0 operates remarkably different than its existing counterpart, Web 2.0. In the existing Web 2.0. version, data is typically held in archives and remains structured more centrally, with separate storage for each data classification.

On the contrary, Web 3.0 strives to make an interrelated basis of decentralized data, resulting in more accurate outcomes. This benefit is that you will only receive information about what you aim for instead of obtaining all other data related to a detailed search.

Also, modern web browsers and devices will be able to understand and interpret data more significantly than ever. Nevertheless, for this to occur, the programs or code entered must comprehend the provided data practically and contextually. It is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes to play. The AI is incorporated into programs so that they can analyze data from a new and more useful perspective.

Since Web 3.0 is based on the unique idea of decentralized storage—the same framework used in blockchain development and cryptocurrency—there may be a close association between these technologies shortly, potentially unlocking the possibility of unique technology.

What are the Benefits of Web 3.0?

Benefits of Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is a cutting-edge technology that’s come a long way recently. Here are some advantages of using Web 3.0. 

  • Better control

The most significant benefit of distributed ledger systems and decentralization in Web 3.0 is that you can track your data and examine the code underlying the mediums you use. Hence the most promising benefit of web 3.0 is it gives you more control and autonomy over your browsing activities by examining the code and determining whether or not the website is legitimate or if there is a threat of a security breach.

When using web 3.0, you will not need to depend on a corporation because there will be almost no organization that works from the back-end. It originates back to the internet’s initial periods and the original ideology of a free and open forum for sharing opinions.

  • Increased confidentiality

With the rising number of cyber threats, data infringements, and data theft, it is time for individuals and businesses to think about how they broadcast crucial data online. The blockchain offers a significant advantage in terms of secure access to your data and the capability to monitor it on online platforms and ensure it does not fall into the hands of any bad actors, as online privacy is a matter of grave concern. 

  • Data Ownership and Distribution

If you are tired of filling out an unending stream of online forms every time, Web 3.0 is here to assist you. With web 3.0, you’ll have a unique profile that works across all online mediums, saving you the hassle of performing the same steps repeatedly. You will also not have to share your confidential data with organizations or other entities only because you will have your profile. You can also choose to share your data and sell it to multiple online brands voluntarily.

  • Fewer intermediaries

Decentralization technology functions by removing the intermediaries and linking providers directly with clients. As no middlemen are present, you can always earn better profit from online platforms. Nevertheless, even after using modern blockchain technology, total intermediary negation is impossible because a regulating body is required to monitor and validate. Hence it might not be wrong to say that the world will soon witness a shift from centralized control to a decentralized system in which intermediaries will exist in small numbers, and everything will remain controlled freely.

  • Improved motivation for producers

Integrating clients directly with manufacturers makes it more effortless to become a producer. Individuals globally can make investments and find customers directly on Web 3.0 because there are no middlemen or gatekeepers. In addition, distributed platforms and virtual currencies are cutting down national obstacles and social preconceptions. All you require is a great idea and someone who will pay you to execute it.

What are the Use Cases of the Web 3.0 Examples?

The framework for web 3.0 is quite robust. This idea of forming an autonomous entity is already in its early stages. The technology is still in its early stages, but here’s how it’s being- used today:

1. Apple Siri

Apple Siri

The modern Web 3.0 is driving the online platforms ahead to the position where manually communicating and searching with the help of fingers will become a thing of the past. Instead, highly-advanced applications like Siri that work on voice recognition software are evolving as futuristic technology. Therefore, it might not be wrong to say that voice recognition software is becoming the fundamental aspect of Web 3.0. 

In addition, Siri is the ideal example of Web 3.0, allowing online users to the extent that their devices will be able to interact with each other and offer users better search outcomes. 

2. Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha is a modern computational intelligence platform where you can calculate answers. Moreover, students and working professionals use it in diverse domains like nutrition, mathematics, and science. This online platform employs Web 3.0 by collecting customer data from databases available on online platforms and simplifying the details for end users.

On this website, you can enter any question, which will analyze the question and deliver results suitable to the question asked. For instance, if you type any generic sentence like “two cups of  Granola,” Wolfram Alpha will provide you with its nutritional value, calories, and other related details. 

3. Experty


Experty is yet another perfect example of Web 3.0 that develops on the borderless nature that drives users people together. In addition, this online platform works on highly advanced approaches to assist individuals in getting professional answers to all their queries. Also, on Experty, you can get better answers through video chat to get better answers to all your queries. 

4. Brave Browser

Brave Browser

Brave browser is one of the most secure and innovative ways to skim online platforms on any web or mobile device. The primary purpose of this website is to create the safest browser for better data protection with the help of blockchain technologies. Doing this will help limit malicious cyber attacks. Furthermore, this online platform guarantees that this distributed Web 3.0-related system guards users’ confidentiality in the most up-to-date manner possible.

What Will Be the Future of Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 will best simulate and recreate real-world interactions and situations in the coming years. Compare the primary discussion forums to systems like WhatsApp and Facetime today if you can remember them. Even though they connected users globally, these perspectives were restricted regarding what they could distribute and where they could be used. Furthermore, Web 3.0 will provide users with more accurate and truthful search results due to improved data comprehension and interpretation.

Users will also benefit from customized services with apps and other users. Blockchain, Web 3.0, AI, ML, IoT, and other new technologies and abilities are in high demand in the market. Learning these innovations and some skill sets will help students launch a successful tech career. As part of skills training, many EdTech institutions and companies now offer high-end technical programs. In addition, schools and colleges also offer diverse tech-related training programs to help students enhance their aptitudes.

The Use of AI in Web 3.0

Use of AI in Web 3.0

AI-powered engines are being used in well-known web applications such as Netflix. Moreover, according to a report, the Netflix Recommendation Engine (NRE) already accounts for 80 percent of all viewing audience activity on the streaming site.

Given their ability to analyze a large amount of customer data and create forecasting analytics individually, machine learning algorithms will most likely be at the heart of Web 3.0 recommendation engines.

Although large social media companies are collecting data from browsing activities to suggest more specific advertisements, it is still not working to its full potential. First, without realizing its actual value, web users have freely agreed to sign off their data to profit-seeking third parties. Second, these businesses’ intrusive data-mining practices have raised pervasive privacy issues among web users.

Web 3.0’s decentralized ethos aims to increase user empowerment by regaining ownership of their information — which can get alternatively transmitted to advertising companies that pay the users directly. However, human content safety classification frequently results in conflicting metadata due to our distinctively various viewpoints, making it one of the most significant challenges of Web 2.0.

Artificial intelligence eliminates human bias, producing more consistent and trustworthy metadata. The quantity of videos uploaded daily far outnumbers human oversight capacity, making video content safety especially important. Nonetheless, thanks to AI algorithms’ massive virtualization, artificial intelligence is expected to transform content safety in Web 3.0.

The Bottom Line

After considering all these points above, we can conclude that Web 3.0 has the potential to create a consumer-driven environment in the future, leading to a more open and secure network. Furthermore, web 3.0 will enable sharing of data and information in a peer-to-peer (P2P) exchange between machines and users.

With the introduction of this new technology, a new era of independent companies with the ability to self-govern and exchange data will begin. It would also alter the connection between users and machines, facilitating secure information exchange, online purchases, etc. Right now, Ethereum is the current leader in the race for web 3.0, as the majority of its foundation is built on web 3.0.

Also, with so many advantages, the future of web 3.0 appears to be bright. This technology would significantly alter how we browse the internet, making it more convenient and goal-oriented.

Instead of going through a slew of random outcomes, web 3.0 will make searching for things on the web quicker. Aside from that, web 3.0 provides a more secure network than web 2.0 because it uses a decentralized method of storing information.

An Open Letter to Banks about Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies

Dear Mr. Bank Manager,

This is not an easy letter for me to write. I have been a customer of yours for over 20 years. You were there with a loan for me when I bought my first car; you helped arrange the mortgage when I bought my first house, and you even helped me launch my first business. We have been through so much together.

And I’ll let you into a little secret.

You were my first! Don’t worry, I know I wasn’t yours. I think this is why this relationship means so much more to me than you.

You may not have noticed that our relationship has changed; you have been so busy since that big financial crisis that we are doing less together. I got my last loan from my supermarket as they had a better rate, and my last mortgage from another bank. These days I am only using you to hold money for me and pay my bills.

We are like passing ships in the night, and I am worried that we might have to separate if we don’t talk.

Recently I made this new friend called Bitcoin, a form of Cryptocurrency; I call her Crypto; you have probably heard of her. She is fresh and exciting, and I want you to get to know her too. I want you to make her part of our relationship.

I know I am neither a bank manager nor an economist, and you have all these arguments for why Crypto will fail. Still, I am someone using Crypto in my daily life, and I know this will be an ever-increasing need for me, and I want us to share this experience.

I know you are scared, or maybe you just don’t understand. Maybe you think Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme, and everyone buying it is only doing so to make a quick buck. Some of us are, like some who bought shares during the Dot Com boom and lost money when it crashed. But look what happened after that; we got some of the most significant companies in the world: Amazon, Google and Facebook.

Look at the other cool things which happened, too; Apple created these fantastic phones for us that do all kinds of cool stuff with the Internet. These devices do much more than make calls; they allow us to read books, access millions of songs, track our exercise and even find love.

I think you will agree that the Internet is pretty cool, and the Dot Com bubble brought lots of capital and developers into the market to figure out how best we could use it.

The thing about Crypto is that it is doing the same thing; you may see it as a bubble or hear financial commentators say it as such, but a bubble isn’t bad. You may be hearing all these stories of scams and hacks, but this bubble also brings capital, smart people and developers into Crypto to drive innovation. And don’t listen to Bill Gates, terrorists are using Windows too, and as the Naval said, a young Bill Gates would be building on the blockchain.

I know you have heard of the blockchain; you have heard it can do some pretty cool things, right? But you are questioning whether we need Bitcoin, but it is because of Bitcoin we have the blockchain. We’re pretty loyal about this, so you can’t have one without the other.

You may be wondering why we love Crypto. Firstly, I will confess that some of us have made some great money from it; I would be lying if this wasn’t a significant factor. We also expect to make money from it in the future, we can see how Bitcoin is changing the world, so some of us will keep investing in it. You see, we need global currencies and don’t trust any centralized body to run it, and because Bitcoin is decentralized, it has solved this need.

There is little point in leaving all our money with you at the moment, I mean, you did use to give us some interest, but that is pretty much non-existent now. Don’t think we haven’t noticed that you do still lend out our money to others for a profit; we don’t mind this, but do you share those profits with us? Not anymore.

There are other reasons we like it too. You see, it has this thing called censorship resistance, what this means is that we can spend it/transfer it without having to give a reason; once we have created a transaction, it has happened, which is quite cool. Recently when I withdrew £2,000 from the bank, you asked me what it was for, you nosey bugger. I didn’t realize I had to explain myself to you, and I don’t think the bank clerk saw the joke when I said I was a drug dealer.

The other thing with sending money with Crypto is that it is pretty damn quick, something you guys still haven’t figured out. I appreciate your hard work in providing me with Internet banking; that is quite cool. I also love my mobile app, but let’s get some perspective, Amazon can send me a package across the Atlantic in an airplane quicker than I can send money across the Internet. I mean, come on, I know you don’t physically ship my pound notes across the pond; all you are doing is updating a database, but yet I have to wait days and pay a fee for the pleasure.

The other thing with Crypto is that we get to hold it ourselves. I know we should trust you, but in England right now, your only guarantee is to protect £85,000 of this. Yes, this is probably more than most of us have, but don’t we have a right to all of our hard-earned money being protected?

You may think that a problem with the banks is pretty unlikely; our friends in Greece and Cyprus would beg to differ because you started stealing their money to pay for their government’s mismanagement of their respective economies. And I doubt our friends in places like Zimbabwe or Venezuela have any protection.

Also, when you guys were playing the lottery with those funny derivative things we heard all about during the financial crisis, a few of you nearly disappeared. Only when the government stepped in were we saved. Pretty hairy times, right? You must excuse us for not trusting you 100%.

You know I got into Bitcoin mining recently because I told you about it; I spent three hours in one of your branches filling in all those forms and had to wait a week for a decision; I’ll tell you more about this in a moment. When I bought the mining equipment, it cost $70,000; after sending the cryptocurrency, it was confirmed in less than 10 minutes and cost less than $1. I have no idea how I would send that kind of money to China with you; I expect I would need a meeting, some documents and interrogation, and who knows what you would charge me for.

Remember I mentioned the bank account I tried to open a moment ago? You said no. I tried a couple of your buddies, and they also said no. They said they couldn’t see where this money was coming from, and I may be laundering it. A fancy accusation, especially as I have run multiple businesses and never once been convicted of a crime. Also, if you look into it, you have to be pretty stupid to use Bitcoin for crime; it is pretty easy to track where the money goes these days.

Clearly, I think you are scared, probably why your mate Jamie Dimon was so against it, though I think he is changing his view now.

Bitcoin isn’t going away; I am buying more, my friends are buying more, and lots of people are buying more. If we see this as a better place to keep our money, we will have less to lend. What then? You will have to borrow from your competitors, and this will get a lot more expensive for you, and you will make a lot less money. Maybe only a little to begin with, but I recommend you read Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, the dude with the crazy hair. I’ve dropped a link for you; sod it; I’ll buy you a copy if you want.

Another problem you need to consider is that as it gets easier for us to buy things with Crypto, we will do more of this, too; why? Well, it should be cheaper without those little % merchant fees you charge for all those people in the chain. Technology doesn’t like middlemen.

Reference: https://www.cardswitcher.co.uk/2017/01/card-payment-processing-fees/
You probably think this isn’t a threat yet, similar to when some weirdos were getting DVDs sent to their house in the post when others were going to Blockbuster, but then streaming came, and where is Blockbuster now? Also, what happened to HMV, Tower Records and all those magazines and newspapers we loved? Many corporate graves have been dug by companies who have failed to innovate.

The infrastructure is changing, merchants are bringing out Crypto solutions, and before long, you will see Pay With Bitcoin as much as you see Pay With Paypal. It took time for Paypal, it was a bit of a pain, to begin with, but they persevered, and now many of us just use them; why? Well, it comes down to this thing called ease of use; creating an account on every website and entering your card details is hard work. Simple login with PayPal is so much easier.

If someone makes things easier or cheaper, we tend to use it.

When we get a simple login with Crypto and if the retailers pass on the savings from your merchant fees, then things will be cheaper. Yes, it might be negligible for a cup of coffee but a TV? A Car? A house? Then once we use them more and more, we might use them for a cup of coffee too. These fees are also relevant when traveling, and lots of us travel but have to pay all these expensive fees when spending money abroad. Our Crypto accounts are borderless, so these fees don’t exist.

So why do we need you if we aren’t saving our money with you and we aren’t using our debit and credit cards? Everything else we can buy on the open market, there is no loyalty for mortgages and loans, we’ll get them from whoever is offering the best rate, that might not even be a bank, that might be our supermarket. We don’t care; we just want the best rates.

Are you getting the picture?

All these years of failing to modernize, thinking there is no threat to your model just isn’t true, is it? Our hero, Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto, has thrown a spanner in the works. You should Google him; he is cool, though if you see some stuff about this guy Craig Wright, it isn’t him, don’t worry, he’s just some ridiculous man who pretended to be Satoshi.

I myself have been using Crypto for a while now, and something I have noticed is that there are a lot of young people excited by it. The same people who don’t buy CDs because they can just ask Alexa to play a song, the same people who don’t want TV because they find what they want on YouTube. They have no interest in the complicated stock market and have grown up using virtual currencies when playing computer games. Sure, your grannies and granddads will probably still come to the bank to talk to you, but what about these younger guys and girls? You must have noticed some new modern Internet-only banks that the youngsters love; Revolut has even added Cryptocurrency buying and selling.

So I’ll level with you; you have choices, two as I see it:

Choice 1 — Ignore It
But like when I ignore a bill, it doesn’t go away, by the time I deal with it, it usually costs me more, maybe a fine. I think you may have the same problem. Look at Circle, and they just bought this exchange we use called Poloniex for $400m. I guarantee this is going to look cheap in a year or two. Like when Facebook bought Instagram for $1bn and then a few years later paid $19bn for Whatsapp.

The longer you leave it, the more expensive it will get:

If you choose to integrate Crypto into your business by acquiring other companies, they will get more and more costly, and the best ones will likely have gone.
You will lose out on customers who have already moved to one of your competitors who adopted Crypto before you.
Choice 2 — Adapt
I think we can agree it is inevitable that you will have to modernize and face up to the fact we want Crypto. Mark Carney isn’t going to be your shining knight; we all think he’s an idiot anyway. Once your customers start going elsewhere and you have less money to lend, you will feel like the people who didn’t buy Bitcoin at $30, then $300, then $3,000.

I know you love digging up these yellow lumps of metal and then burying them back under the ground, but as John Pfeffer told me at lunch recently: “In 100 years, when we are flying around in our Millennium Falcons, do you think we are going to be using lumps of the yellow metal as a store of value?” You should read John’s white paper, too, he is a pretty smart dude, and you’ll soon realize that this isn’t just some made-up magic Internet money.

We want Crypto, and we need banking services. Don’t worry; Crypto isn’t going to replace fiat money (apparently, this is what £ and $ are, fiat money, I only found this out recently). I know some libertarians out there say Bitcoin will replace money, but I also know the governments won’t allow this. Look at America. Did you see the Senate testimony on virtual currencies? No? I reckon you should watch it, especially this dude Christopher Giancarlo; we like him, he understands us, anyway, if America wants in, then the whole world will have it at some point. Even China!

The relationship will be symbiotic; we will use our pounds and dollars for some things and our Crypto for others, and we will likely bank with whoever makes this easiest. You see, at the moment, you aren’t making banking easy; you’re making it a pain in the ass. You recently charged me £50 for going over my overdraft in one account even though another was in surplus. Yup! So even though I had no debt with you, you still charged me; this behavior makes me think you are kind of a dick.

The only reason I haven’t changed banks is that I am so busy I haven’t gone through the process of writing down all those direct debits and things I need to move. I will, though; it is on my to-do list. So you have some time but not a lot.

My advice is this, go and open a Coinbase account, they are not a bank, but they look a little like one. Have a look inside there; you will see that they give you an account for your Pounds, Euros and dollars and also accounts for my Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum. Altogether, one big financial happy family.

Click on the accounts, and you can see that you can send and receive Crypto just like you can with a bank, but remember what I said earlier about speed and cost. The fiat ones are just for balances and buying Crypto, so not a threat to you yet, but could they be in the future?

Also, look at the vault; it is kind of like a savings account, though we don’t get any interest like you. But what if Coinbase did mortgages and loans and used Crypto? Well, then maybe we would get some interest. Don’t worry; they probably won’t, the vault is just for security, and most of us don’t keep much Crypto on Coinbase, just a little; I keep mine on something called a hardware wallet, buried in an underground bunker with a moat, armed guards and alligators. You’ll learn about security pretty quickly when you get into this.

So Coinbase is pretty cool, right?

It would be pretty cool if I logged into the bank account that I have a Bitcoin account next to my current savings. You could probably give me better fees than Coinbase anyway. I would definitely buy and keep some Crypto with you because getting my money from my bank to Coinbase is a bit of a pain. Also, I think it will be much easier for you to add a Bitcoin wallet than Coinbase to provide banking services. To be honest, I don’t think they will ever offer banking services, but I do believe a large bank will buy them one day. Probably for gazillions.

Does this all make sense?

See, Crypto isn’t going away, and like my friend Gavin said, you can’t undo the blockchain, and you can’t divorce it from Bitcoin. I guarantee that if you aren’t looking at it, then your competitors are. Why wait for them? Why not set the trend? Why not be that cool, innovative bank with Crypto? You won’t lose any customers by doing it, but you will gain some new ones.

I know this is scary but come on, the Internet was scary, and you adapted; you finally figured out the web and mobile banking. Don’t you think it is frightening to ignore cryptocurrencies and face being left behind?

Love Peter x

Original Source: https://hackernoon.com/an-open-letter-to-banks-about-bitcoin-and-cryptocurrencies-b0c7ef9b7c62